EcoLux Coco Soy Wax


EcoLux Coco Soy Wax is a must have luxurious blend of soy and coconut wax! This wax blend is premium quality, landing it on our bestsellers list. Suitable for novices and first-time users, EcoLux is a top pick among professional candle makers for its outstanding properties! EcoLux is sold in flake form, ensuring ease of use. Create exquisitely with EcoLux Coco Soy Wax and embrace sustainable, luxury candle making!

Manufacturer’s Recommended Scent Load: 5-10%
Meltpoint: 115-125 °F.
Manufacturer’s Recommended Pour Temperature: 155-180°F.

More Information

🌿 EcoLux Attributes:

  • Vegan & Palm-Free: An eco-conscious and responsible choice.
  • Single Pour with Smooth Tops: Provides a seamless, refined finish.
  • Excellent Jar Adhesion: Presents a pristine, polished look.
  • Minimal Bloom/Frost: Ensures sustained clarity and brilliance.

Specifications & Instructions

  • Manufacturer’s Recommended Scent Load: 5-10%
  • Meltpoint: 115-125 °F.
  • Manufacturer’s Recommended Pour Temperature: 155-180°F.

How to Use:

  • Heat wax to 82°C (180°F), add fragrance oil and color and stir for at least two minutes to allow the fragrance oil to bind to the wax.
  • Pour your wax into your candle vessel.
  • EcoLux Coco Soy wax works best when poured at temperatures between 68 – 82°C (155 – 180°F) allowing for better glass adhesion, smoother candle tops, and great scent throw. We recommend experimentation to determine the optimal pouring temperature for your vessel.
  • Cure your candles for at least 72 hours to enhance the fragrance throw and overall quality of your candle.
  • The manufacturer recommends 5-10% fragrance load for the EcoLux Coco Soy wax.

Please Note:

The above instructions should be interpreted as guidelines only. We recommend that you perform your own testing.
Please note that candle waxes are excluded from our free shipping program.