I miss you Mom. You've only recently passed, but as the months go by I can't help feeling that you've been gone too long. Its been too long since we've talked, and since I've seen your face.

So I write to you now, wishing you were here. Letting you know that its been hard for me to continue on this candle making journey without you.  The world isn't as bright, and making candles doesn't give me the same happiness it once did. Nothing does. Not without you.

My Christmas tree is up already. Everyone made fun of me for my overly abundant Christmas cheer that began in November this year. It's that way when you're in the candle supply business. Everyone buys candle supplies a season ahead, and so I must be ahead too. I don't mind though, I love Christmas. You made me love Christmas. As it turns out, I put up the tree a week before you died, and that's good, because I don't know that I'd have the strength to do it now, but I know I'll find the strength. I'll find it for our family. The family you created. The family you loved so much. I'll do it for them, the way you did it for me all my life.

This is the first year I will celebrate Christmas without you. I make candles the way you showed me, every day, and I will place them all over my home, and think of you. I will always think of you - especially at times when we're all together. You loved this time of year, but in truth, you made it feel like Christmas every single day. I love you Mom.

As tribute to you, I have created a website featuring all of your most glorious works or art, your writing. I wish you could see it. 

Nov 2022