I recall watching my Mother crafting when I was a young girl. I cannot even begin to describe every crafty piece of art she ever made. I can only say that making something pretty was an every day occurrence. Candle making was just one of the many lovely crafts she designed. Any time I showed interest, she would patiently show me how she made her latest creation. This was the case with all of my siblings, whether it was teaching one of us how to paint, sketch, make a wreath from scratch at Christmas time, or pour a candle. We spend hours creating whatever idea would pop into my Mother's head on any given day. 

She would collect natural treasures wherever she roamed such as pinecones, or popsicle sticks. I never knew what these items would turn out to be, but they all became something fabulous with a little time and imagination.

I can't possibly tally the number of hours and days we spent all together making special creations, and I suppose all of us grew to have a little of the crafty gene in our own right thanks to my Mother, her creative gifts, her patience and extraordinary kindness.

When another generation arrived my Mother would say, bring the kids over, we'll go to the dollar store and then we'll do some crafting. I'll teach them to make something magical with their own two hands. The kids loved their time with Grandma, and still regard her as creative and wise. They can't wait to be by her side. With all her beautiful creations, the real treasure for her was having her family close. I think what she was really creating was a loving haven for all of us to be together. This prompts me to say that the family that crafts together, stays together.  

Lisa Desjardins