Our wood wicks crackle and pop like a wood burning fire as they burn.
Wooden wicks are for use in containers, and should not be used in pillars or votives. Wooden wicks can be used in paraffin, Coco Apricot Crème, EcoLux Coco Soy, and Soy Container wax. When using our wooden wicks in pure soy, we recommend testing. There are many variables in candle making such as the addition of scent, color, or other additives that could affect the performance of your candles. When you test you will want to make sure the melt pool is wide enough for your candle making project. Our woo wicks are not recommended for use with bees wax or palm wax as these waxes do not tend to burn hot enough.
To achieve a good “crackle” sound with the wood wicks, it is very important that you do not use too much fragrance oil. The crackle is a result of the correct amount of fragrance oil, type of wax, and amount of dye being used.
The Candle Haven Company was built for creators like you! We hope to excite your imagination by providing beautifully unique, eco-friendly products. It is our hope to enlighten and uplift candle makers all over the world.
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